Research &
The CSP provides a physical and online space to develop research networks focused on key climate solutions such as renewable energy, electric mobility, precision agriculture and leadership training
Experiential & Interactive
The CSP team is developing safe experiential learning opportunities focused on renewable energy, electric mobility, precision agriculture and leadership our aim is to provide learning by doing opportunities in person, when possible, and online.
Building a Community
of Leaders
The CSP provides a place for all to see, connect and learn about how the solutions to the climate crisis can be developed and implemented at the local level to benefit your community

Join Us, Get Involved
The CSP is currently being built by a community of leaders, creators and academics who contribute their own unique skills. We all have one goal: to solve climate change.
Our Plan
Our approach is to harness existing physical space into an experiential education park at York University’s Keele Campus.
Events, Online Training
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic we are moving our development, communications and research through online resources. Please check here regularly for our next events.
Learning by doing, students will work together and learn how to build solar pannels.
Solar Installation February 29, 2020 - 10:00am - 3:00pm
Health Nursing and Environmental Studies CCSP
Andrew Cahill
Experiential & Interactive Learning
Training on how to build the solar panel
Solar Training February 28, 2020 - 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Health Nursing and Environmental Studies HNE 109
Andrew Cahill
Experiential & Interactive Learning
1️⃣ In 2017, Steinmetz photographed glaciologists in Greenland using dye to track flows of water into crevasses. This movement of surface water may increase the rate at which ice slides into the sea and melts.
2️⃣ Rice fields around Nijhum Dwip, in southern Bangladesh, are prone to flooding, which is becoming more frequent because of climate change.
3️⃣Smoke surrounds trees in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. In 2019, Brazilian government data showed that the rate of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest had risen to its highest level in 11 years.
4️⃣An egg farm in Mato Grosso State, Brazil, which was once part of Brazil's Cerrado, is being cleared at an alarming rate to make way for cattle ranches and to grow soy, which is either exported or used to feed livestock.
5️⃣Dutch company Koppert Cress has created these cress-growing greenhouses in the Netherlands, saying that by storing excess heat and cold from its greenhouses, it can reduce CO2 emissions.
6️⃣ The Golmud Solar Park, in Qinghai province, northwestern China. The country has pledged to invest 2.5 trillion yuan ($357 billion) in renewable power generation — solar, wind, hydro and nuclear — from 2017 to 2020.
(📸: George Steinmetz & cnn)
source waste.ed ⠀
📸: BC Parks Foundation/ CNN
📸 Jean-Luc Cornec /
#upcycled #reuse #reduce #recycle #recycled #wastefree #zerowastelife #zerowastejourney #lowimpactliving #zerowastegoals
Credit 📸 @othalotech / Waste Ed
#outofpoverty #plastichouses #trash #upcycling #sustainability #green #savetheplanet #reuse #recycle #sustainableliving #saveourplanet #savetheearth #wastefree #breakfreefromplastic #saynotoplastic #singleuseplastic #sustainability #plantbased #crueltyfree #environment #carbonfootprint #climatechange
Credits: waste.ed @pression_ecologique / Pression Écologique via Facebook
#ecowarrior #ecofriendly #green #savetheplanet #sustainableliving #saveourplanet #savetheocean #savetheearth #waterpollution #trashtag #trashtagchallenge #pickuptrash #litter #savenature #dontlitter #plogging #saynotoplastic #noplastic #breakfreefromplastic #beachcleanup #saveouroceans
Credit get waste ed 🌎
📹 Ari Jónsson
#plasticpollution #breakfreefromplastic #saynotoplastic #singleuseplastic #noplastic #fuckplastic #plastic #plasticban #reuse #reduce #recycle #recycled #biodegradable #wastefree #zerowastelife #zerowastehome #ecopackaging
The move is part of a larger effort by the nation to achieve zero plastic waste by 2030.
"Plastic pollution threatens our natural environment. It fills our rivers or lakes, and most particularly our oceans, choking the wildlife that live there," Canadian Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson said Wednesday in a news conference. "Canadians see the impact that pollution has from coast to coast to coast."
The plan also includes improvements to keep "plastic in our economy and out of our environment," he said.
The simple and cost-effective solution is helping keep the town's water sources clean.
Content curated by @rhiannonrosalind
Content credit @_raqueldefilippis
ℹ️ Government of the Netherlands / PLOS ONE / Waste ED
. #savetheplanet #sustainableliving #saveourplanet #savetheocean #savetheearth #noplanetb #savetheplanet #environmentallyconscious #globalwarming #climateemergency #climatechange #saveouroceans #sustainability #globalwarming #climateactionnow #risingseas
"It’s an unbelievable step forward for hyper-local, sustainable urban farming,” said Mohamed Hage, Co-Founder and CEO of Lufa Farms. 📷: @lufafarms / Good News Movement
Credits: @ubiqd / Waste ED
#solarenergy #cleanenergy #greenenergy #carbonfootprint #reducepollution #onlyoneearth #fossilfuels #climatecrisis #sustainability #solarpower #solar #ecofriendly #green #savetheplanet #sustainableliving #saveourplanet #savetheocean #savetheearth
This Great Big Story was made possible by @UBS @greatbigstory
Curated by @sophieknowsbetter
(Credits: Evgeny Chuvilin/ cnn climate)
Rhiannon is the President, CEO, and Owner of The Economic Club of Canada, Founder of The Jr. Economic Club of Canada and CEO & Co-Founder of The Global Institute for Conscious Economics (GICE). Rhiannon is redefining what it means to be a corporate leader in this country. She is passionate about highlighting the most important issues our nation is grappling with—from Truth & Reconciliation to racism and exclusion on Bay Street, Rhiannon is challenging corporate Canada to see its role in creating a more prosperous and equal future for everyone. Rhiannon has hosted countless thought leaders and changemakers at The Economic Club of Canada through the years including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Former First Lady Michelle Obama, and human rights advocate Amal Clooney. A go-to for Bay Street, tech, healthcare, domestic, and international political leaders, The Economic Club is a 21st-century public policy platform where the leaders of today and tomorrow connect.
(📸: JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images, Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/CNN Climate)
Credits Centro de Desarrollo Cultural de Moravia / City of Medellín / Waste ED
#colombia #gardening #garden #communitygarden #farming #sustainability #sustainable #zerowaste #wastefree #homesteading #growyourown #homegarden #environment #gardentotable #DIY #gardentoplate #saveourplanet #savetheearth
Pictures by Good Looking Studio / @goodlooking_studio / source Waste ED
#goodlooking_studio #planttrees #streetart #mural #carbonemissions #climatechange #climateaction #savetheplanet #savetheearth #fossilfuels
Whilst 1,000 tonnes of fuel has already seeped into the ocean, a further 2,500 tones remains onboard. Experts are worried that as the ship begins to crack it could could unleash a spill that would be catastrophic for the fragile coastal ecosystem upon which Mauritius, and its economy, relies.
This is yet another reminder of why we need to KEEP OIL IN THE GROUND. 🖤🚨
To donate to the relief fund please visit
📸 @studio.ant / @unep / Waste-Ed
Source ℹ️ / get.waste.ed 🌎💪💪🏾💪🏼
#electriccar #electricvehicles #goelectric #greenpower #zeroemissions
Source get.waste.ed / @biodegradable_packaging
1️⃣ In 2017, Steinmetz photographed glaciologists in Greenland using dye to track flows of water into crevasses. This movement of surface water may increase the rate at which ice slides into the sea and melts.
2️⃣ Rice fields around Nijhum Dwip, in southern Bangladesh, are prone to flooding, which is becoming more frequent because of climate change.
3️⃣Smoke surrounds trees in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. In 2019, Brazilian government data showed that the rate of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest had risen to its highest level in 11 years.
4️⃣An egg farm in Mato Grosso State, Brazil, which was once part of Brazil's Cerrado, is being cleared at an alarming rate to make way for cattle ranches and to grow soy, which is either exported or used to feed livestock.
5️⃣Dutch company Koppert Cress has created these cress-growing greenhouses in the Netherlands, saying that by storing excess heat and cold from its greenhouses, it can reduce CO2 emissions.
6️⃣ The Golmud Solar Park, in Qinghai province, northwestern China. The country has pledged to invest 2.5 trillion yuan ($357 billion) in renewable power generation — solar, wind, hydro and nuclear — from 2017 to 2020.
(📸: George Steinmetz & cnn)
source waste.ed ⠀
📸: BC Parks Foundation/ CNN
📸 Jean-Luc Cornec /
#upcycled #reuse #reduce #recycle #recycled #wastefree #zerowastelife #zerowastejourney #lowimpactliving #zerowastegoals
Credit 📸 @othalotech / Waste Ed
#outofpoverty #plastichouses #trash #upcycling #sustainability #green #savetheplanet #reuse #recycle #sustainableliving #saveourplanet #savetheearth #wastefree #breakfreefromplastic #saynotoplastic #singleuseplastic #sustainability #plantbased #crueltyfree #environment #carbonfootprint #climatechange
Credits: waste.ed @pression_ecologique / Pression Écologique via Facebook
#ecowarrior #ecofriendly #green #savetheplanet #sustainableliving #saveourplanet #savetheocean #savetheearth #waterpollution #trashtag #trashtagchallenge #pickuptrash #litter #savenature #dontlitter #plogging #saynotoplastic #noplastic #breakfreefromplastic #beachcleanup #saveouroceans
Credit get waste ed 🌎
📹 Ari Jónsson
#plasticpollution #breakfreefromplastic #saynotoplastic #singleuseplastic #noplastic #fuckplastic #plastic #plasticban #reuse #reduce #recycle #recycled #biodegradable #wastefree #zerowastelife #zerowastehome #ecopackaging
The move is part of a larger effort by the nation to achieve zero plastic waste by 2030.
"Plastic pollution threatens our natural environment. It fills our rivers or lakes, and most particularly our oceans, choking the wildlife that live there," Canadian Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson said Wednesday in a news conference. "Canadians see the impact that pollution has from coast to coast to coast."
The plan also includes improvements to keep "plastic in our economy and out of our environment," he said.
The simple and cost-effective solution is helping keep the town's water sources clean.
Content curated by @rhiannonrosalind
Content credit @_raqueldefilippis
ℹ️ Government of the Netherlands / PLOS ONE / Waste ED
. #savetheplanet #sustainableliving #saveourplanet #savetheocean #savetheearth #noplanetb #savetheplanet #environmentallyconscious #globalwarming #climateemergency #climatechange #saveouroceans #sustainability #globalwarming #climateactionnow #risingseas
"It’s an unbelievable step forward for hyper-local, sustainable urban farming,” said Mohamed Hage, Co-Founder and CEO of Lufa Farms. 📷: @lufafarms / Good News Movement
Credits: @ubiqd / Waste ED
#solarenergy #cleanenergy #greenenergy #carbonfootprint #reducepollution #onlyoneearth #fossilfuels #climatecrisis #sustainability #solarpower #solar #ecofriendly #green #savetheplanet #sustainableliving #saveourplanet #savetheocean #savetheearth
This Great Big Story was made possible by @UBS @greatbigstory
Curated by @sophieknowsbetter
(Credits: Evgeny Chuvilin/ cnn climate)
Rhiannon is the President, CEO, and Owner of The Economic Club of Canada, Founder of The Jr. Economic Club of Canada and CEO & Co-Founder of The Global Institute for Conscious Economics (GICE). Rhiannon is redefining what it means to be a corporate leader in this country. She is passionate about highlighting the most important issues our nation is grappling with—from Truth & Reconciliation to racism and exclusion on Bay Street, Rhiannon is challenging corporate Canada to see its role in creating a more prosperous and equal future for everyone. Rhiannon has hosted countless thought leaders and changemakers at The Economic Club of Canada through the years including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Former First Lady Michelle Obama, and human rights advocate Amal Clooney. A go-to for Bay Street, tech, healthcare, domestic, and international political leaders, The Economic Club is a 21st-century public policy platform where the leaders of today and tomorrow connect.